SEPTA is dedicated to making it easier for customers to use our fixed-route and paratransit services through a comprehensive program of accessibility improvements — fleet enhancements, station construction and other service initiatives.
All buses in our five-county service region are accessible, and currently there are more than 100 accessible stations. SEPTA is working continuously to make existing stations accessible to benefit all SEPTA riders. Station personnel, operators, cashiers and supervisors receive ADA training and service quality is monitored by a plainclothes observation service.
Learn more about SEPTA and our mission.
Advice and Help
Fare Assistance
Cashiers, ticket agents and rail personnel are required to assist you with fare payment or purchases. Also, using the SEPTA website you can purchase fare instruments by return mail. Reduced Fare Key cards and Senior Fare Key cards may be obtained at SEPTA headquarters, 1234 Market Street, Concourse level, by appointment only. Schedule an appointment online or call 215-580-7145 and select option 6 between 8 am – noon and 1 pm – 4 pm Mondays – Fridays.
Accessible Travel Center

SEPTA’s Accessible Travel Center, located in Room 109 of Suburban Station, helps seniors and persons with disabilities learn about SEPTA’s fixed-route service and how to ride the system. CCT paratransit assessments and visits for travel training are currently scheduled by appointment only. For more information about travel training, call 215-580-3335.