Market-Frankford Line Painting Project

In November 2022 – we celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the Frankford Elevated section of the Market-Frankford Line. We remain committed to this all-important line and this week – January 9, 2023 – we kick-off an improvement project to give this section of the line a much-needed facelift! 

This project includes sandblasting and painting of the steel girders and steel support structures along the east end of the Market-Frankford Elevated Line. All areas will be painted SEPTA Blue.

Work will be done in two segments. The first segment runs along Front Street from its intersection with Wildey Street to the intersection of Kensington Avenue and York Street and along Kensington Avenue to Womrath Street.

The second segment – which extends from Womrath Street to Frankford Transportation Center – is part of a separate project to be announced at a future date.

Construction will begin on or before January 9, 2023 with anticipated completion on or before July 1, 2024. SEPTA’s third-party contractor will be working Monday through Sunday, between 7AM and 8PM. Some night work is anticipated. The contractor’s schedule is subject to change.

As part of this project – no interruptions in service are expected. However – there will likely be parking restrictions in areas where crews are working. Two lanes of traffic will be maintained while pedestrian traffic will be maintained on the sidewalks around structures being painted.

Painting will be performed in a containment area shielded by large shrouds/drop cloths. It’s anticipated that multiple crews will be working concurrently throughout the project boundaries.

SEPTA greatly appreciates your patience and understanding while this important construction project is completed.