Chris Deshields Recognized for His Heroism

Bus Operator Chris Deshields is being hailed a hero for thwarting a carjacking while driving his Route 5 bus in Fishtown.

On January 25, 2023 Deshields used his SEPTA bus to block the would-be-robbers from stealing a woman’s car.

He was driving north on Frankford Avenue at about 10:40PM carrying five passengers. Looking to his left, Deshields saw three men surrounding a young woman they’d forced out of a car. One snatched the keys. In response, Deshields angled the bus across West Thompson Street, leaned on the horn, flashed the blinkers, and shouted out the windows. The would-be carjackers ran. After all, a 30,000-pound bus hemmed them in!

Under SEPTA policy, Bus Operators must keep themselves, passengers, and others safe. They are discouraged from intervening in a crime but within that framework drivers are allowed to use discretion. In this case, if you see something, yell something.

In addition to being honored by the SEPTA Board – Deshields was invited to the nation’s capital for the State of the Union address by Representative Brendan Boyle. Boyle, who grew up in Olney, has a personal affinity for transit workers. His father, an Irish immigrant, was a janitor on the Broad Street Line.

Chris was also recognized by Philadelphia City Councilmember Kenyatta Johnson for his act of heroism.

Chris Deshields

We are grateful and proud that Chris used his heart in tandem with good judgment to help someone in need.