Open Data FAQ

Below you’ll find answers to our most commonly asked questions. If you don’t find the answer you are looking for, please contact us.

About SEPTA’s Open Data Portal

We believe that data is powerful and that it is important to share that power with everyone. Doing so leads to more transparency, accountability, insights, and tools that enhance the SEPTA experience.

SEPTA’s strategic plan, SEPTA Forward, attests to our desire to offer data “for increased transparency and to unleash the potential for new ideas and solutions from across the region.”

We include data sets that:

  • Are structured and machine-readable
  • Have metadata that contextualizes them and informs how to use them
  • Are the best source available for the type of data
  • Do not contain security or safety-sensitive information
  • Improve understanding of SEPTA

Yes! We are excited to launch this Open Data Portal, but we are not standing still. We intend to grow our catalog by adding more data sets and more categories of data over months and years.

Yes, you can! We want to hear what data sets you’re interest in and how you will use them. Email us at

Data sets that receive more suggestions are more likely to be added to the portal. However, suggested data sets will be added based on availability, quality, and necessary resources and at the sole discretion of SEPTA.

Please read the Open Data Portal License Agreement for a full explanation of the limitations, obligations, terms, and conditions you agree to when you download open data from this site.

If you don’t find the answer you are looking for, please contact us.