Stress Less With Public Transit

In addition to National Earth Month – April is also Stress Awareness Month. Did you know that riding public transportation not only helps with physical health, but with mental health too? Riding public transportation can reduce your stress levels in a few different ways:

Driving can be a stressful way to commute – due to unpredictable traffic and parking situations. With public transit – you don’t have to worry about the driving and can free up some of your own time and attention to scroll through your phone, read, study, or listen to music, rather than stare at the road.

Riding the bus is about 170 times safer than driving a car! Plus – those who’ve made the switch from driving a car to public transit even reported being able to concentrate better at work.

We are all aware of the benefits of exercise and one of them includes curbing the effects of stress. Walking to and from subway stations allows for the daily recommended amount of physical activity – 30 minutes, which can act as a stress reducer.

And the icing on top of the stress-relief cake is the reduced financial stress you can have from taking public transit versus maintaining a car. No more wasted money on gas, over-priced oil changes, and monthly payments.

Even if you only ride public transit one or two days out of the week – you’re helping the environment and your mental health. Put the keys away and start your day on a good note with SEPTA!