National Custodial Workers Day

Wednesday, October 2 is National Custodian Day. Please join us in showing appreciation 🙏 for these essential frontline workers by saying THANK YOU and by doing your part. Please take all trash with you when you exit your train, trolley, or bus and use trash/recycling cans.

This summer our Subway/Elevated Custodial Services Team implemented an expansion of their “Rover Crews” so that they have a dedicated Rover Crew in each zone (there are six total zones) responsible for pressure washing and sanitizing the entrance/exits of a Station within its zone.

In addition to entrances and exits – station platforms and surface level are also cleaned by these crews.

The process of platform cleaning involves carefully sweeping the area and then applying a cleaning solution to ensure thorough cleanliness. The cleaning solution is left to sit for double the usual amount of time to break down any dirt and grime effectively. The staircases are brushed, scrubbed, and washed down using high-pressure hosing to ensure the removal of all debris. And the tile walls are thoroughly scrubbed and washed to maintain a hygienic environment. The process for surface-level maintenance includes conducting sidewalk scrubbing at street level to ensure a clean and welcoming exterior environment and performing window cleaning to maintain visibility and cleanliness for passengers and staff.

The Rover Crews typically work Monday through Friday after the morning rush and finish before the evening rush. In the first two months of implementing our Rover Crews – the team increased customer commendations by over 200% compared to 2023 and reduced high-impact cleanliness concerns.

The expansion of the Rover Crews and their meticulous cleaning processes have significantly improved the cleanliness and attractiveness of SEPTA stations. It is clear that their hard work and commitment have resulted in more customer commendations and a noticeable reduction in cleanliness concerns. We are grateful to the Subway/Elevated Custodial Services Team for their tireless efforts in ensuring that SEPTA stations are clean and secure. Their work is vital in promoting ridership and providing a positive experience for our passengers.