Direct Bus B


Due to the success of Direct Bus, SEPTA is implementing a second Direct Bus route. Direct Buses are SEPTA’s version of express, high-amenity bus routes. Direct Bus B, the second Direct Bus route, will continue this type of service west, connecting Frankford Transit Center and Wissahickon Transit Center via Roosevelt Boulevard, Hunting Park Avenue, and Ridge Avenue. The Wissahickon Transit Center project will pave the way for this Direct Bus service to start service.


  • Construction: 2024
  • Service implementation: 2025 (upon completion of Wissahickon Transit Center)


  • Express service between Wissahickon and Frankford, saving riders time along some of the highest trafficked corridors in the city
  • High-amenity bus stops make waiting and transferring from other routes convenient and comfortable
  • Faster, more reliable bus service for Chestnut Street bus riders

Building a Lifestyle Transit Network

As part of our 12-year capital investment program, we’re making stations accessible, acquiring new vehicles, investing in communications, and upgrading services for our buses, Metro, and rail to deliver on our vision of easy to use, frequent, and integrated transit.

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