Operation Lifesaver

Operation Lifesaver

Train tracks and pedestrians can be a dangerous combination. About 450 people are killed every year while trespassing on railroad tracks. Cars may be able to stop or swerve to avoid hitting a person, but trains cannot. Tracks limit train movements. A train traveling at 55 mph can take more than a mile to stop. This is often too long of a distance to prevent a death.

SEPTA educates and creates awareness for rail safety through Operation Lifesaver. Operation Lifesaver, Inc. is a non-profit group that focuses on rail safety education.

SEPTA has presented the Operation Lifesaver program to students, seniors, law enforcement officials, bus operators and more. Presentations are designed specifically for each audience. They include a slide show, video and question-and-answer session. Ask our customer service team how you can include a presentation on your group tour.

Did You Know?

  • A person or vehicle is struck by a train roughly once every three hours
  • According to FRA statistics, 1,901 highway-rail grade crossing collisions occurred in 2020. Pennsylvania ranked 10th with 54 collisions, four deaths, and 16 injuries.
  • 95 percent of all rail-related deaths involve drivers trying to beat a train, or people trespassing on railroad tracks
  • More than 50 percent of people injured or killed while trespassing on railroad tracks have drugs or alcohol in their system

Statistics and information provided by Operation Life Saver “See Tracks? Think Train!” Visit the site to learn more.