SEPTA Launches New Strategic Business Plan website

Interactive Online Portal Provides Performance Updates & Feedback Forum

SEPTA today launched a new section of its website devoted to the authority’s Strategic Business Plan, which serves as a blue print for integrating capital improvements, customer service enhancements and other initiatives.

The goal of the website,, is to provide the public with information, data and other resources as SEPTA embarks on a series of strategic business initiatives enabled in part by last November’s passage of Act 89, the state’s new comprehensive solution for transportation funding.

SEPTA’s Strategic Business Plan website has been designed as a centralized, interactive portal for stakeholders and customers to track performance and provide feedback on an ongoing basis. To provide a comprehensive snapshot of SEPTA’s ongoing strategic initiatives, it will integrate information from other SEPTA Web portals, such as Customer Service, New Payment Technology and the Capital and Sustainability Programs.

These are all major elements of the authority’s new Five-Year Strategic Business Plan for Fiscal Years 2015-2019, which was approved by the SEPTA board in July. The plan established eight strategic areas of focus: safety and security; rebuilding the system; the customer experience; ridership growth; sustainability; business partnerships; human capital development; and emerging technologies.

The website features key performance indicators that will be updated on a monthly or quarterly basis to ensure transparency and accountability throughout implementation of the five-year plan.

“This new interactive online portal allows us to engage directly with the public and share information as we move forward with our Strategic Business Plan,” said SEPTA General Manager Joseph M. Casey. “We look forward to the enhanced dialogue this will provide with our customers and other stakeholders.”