SEPTA officially celebrated the completion of a renovation project at its Croydon Regional Rail station with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Administrator Peter M. Rogoff, SEPTA Board Chairman Pasquale T. Deon, Sr., General Manager Joseph Casey, elected officials and community leaders celebrated the improvements made to the station, which serves SEPTA’s Trenton Line.
“Croydon Station is a vital transportation link for Bucks County residents traveling south to Philadelphia and north to Trenton for work, school and to make other rail connections for destinations along the Northeast Corridor,” said Deon. “Croydon Station also serves as a stop for passengers on our Route 128 bus. It was important for SEPTA to update the station’s amenities to provide our customers with a safe, state-of-the-art station to serve all of their mass transit needs.”
Renovations at Croydon Station began in June 2009 and cost $19 million. The project received $8.5 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), with the balance coming from non-ARRA FTA funding that included a 20 percent state and local match.
The station is now fully-compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, making it SEPTA’s 98th ADA accessible station. Additional improvements include full-level platforms with radiant-heated passenger shelters, new signage, lighting and audio/visual public address system; improved storm detention system; radiant heating beneath the exposed walkway and ramp to melt ice and snow; new off-street bus turn-outs and shelters for faster and easier connections between trains and buses; privacy wall on outbound parking lot to benefit local residents; new parking lot and lighting system; landscaping surrounding the parking area and station.
“Strengthening and modernizing Pennsylvania’s transit systems is generating thousands of construction-related jobs and putting more money in the pockets of working Americans,” said U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. “But we must do more. Congress needs to pass the transportation provisions in the American Jobs Act as soon as possible so we can continue to invest in critically needed projects like this one, and to repair and rebuild our nation’s transportation systems.”
In addition to the physical enhancements at Croydon Station, SEPTA also worked to improve traffic flow in and out of the station’s parking lots. The intersection at Cedar Avenue and Route 13 was realigned and traffic signals were retimed.
“This was an extensive project and we thank the Croydon community for their patience and support over the last two years,” said Deon. “The end result is a beautiful, technologically-advanced station that is safe for our passengers and for residents who live and drive by the station.”