Average daily ridership in February 2025 was 753,937 unlinked passenger trips across all modes.
System-wide ridership in February 2025 increased 8% from February 2024. On average there were 55,634 more trips per day in February 2025 compared to February 2024.
All modes experienced an increase in ridership relative to this time last year. Much of
the overall ridership growth was driven by the B and L as heavy rail ridership grew 21%
relative to February 2024. This is equivalent to 36,995 trips. In fact heavy rail ridership growth accounts for 67% of new riders. It’s important to note ridership for the Eagles Super Bowl Parade is captured in this month’s totals.

Trolley ridership increased by 8% or 4,298 unlinked trips per weekday relative to February 2024. Weekend trolley ridership growth has been stronger than weekdays.
Regional Rail ridership increased by 15% or roughly 11,334 unlinked trips per weekday for an average of 88,400 trips per day. This is the highest daily ridership in five years! It’s important to note ridership for the Eagles Super Bowl Parade is captured in this month’s totals.
Bus/trackless trolley ridership remained stable relative to last year with a 1% increase. This is equal to approximately 3,761 unlinked trips per weekday. The five routes with the strongest year over
year growth by total number of trips are Route 66 (1,700), Route 59 (978), Route 42 (932), Route 21
(897), and Route 16 (835). The five routes with the strongest year over year growth by percent change are Route 107 (47%), Route 59 (42%), Route MFO (35%), Route 66 (32%), and Route 62 (28%).
Year over year bus ridership growth is showing signs that it is starting to slow down. Ridership has only increased 1% on weekdays, 5.3% on Saturdays. and 0.2% on Sundays since this time last year.
We look forward to a strong 2025 and appreciate your continued support!