Getting to Green: Routes to Roots

Mural Arts Philadelphia and SEPTA have joined forces for Getting to Green: Routes to Roots – a groundbreaking multi-disciplinary public art project led by artists Shira Walinsky and Laura Deutch.

“We are thrilled to launch Getting to Green! This is a dynamic project which combines art, transit, and the beauty of Philadelphia’s natural landscapes,” said Jane Golden, Executive Director of Mural Arts Philadelphia. “Through this initiative – we hope to inspire a sense of discovery and foster a greater appreciation for our city’s parks while promoting the use of public transit. We are so excited to help promote sustainable transportation options and make the city’s green spaces more accessible to all residents through the power of art.”

Supported by the Travel Options Program (TOP) from the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) – Getting to Green aims to promote the use of public transit for exploring Philadelphia’s parks and natural landscapes.

“Through the Travel Options Program (TOP) – DVRPC looks for new and innovative projects that enhance accessibility to the many travel options in our region and help make those options more attractive and welcoming to everyone,” said DVRPC Executive Director Ariella Maron. “By incorporating art into our region’s public transportation system – Mural Arts Philadelphia’s ‘Getting to Green’ project aims to connect SEPTA riders to parks and other outdoor amenities while encouraging exploration of the diverse cultures and communities that make up Philadelphia.”

By incorporating artistic elements and actively encouraging public transportation to parks and nature areas – riders will be empowered to embrace transit not only for recreation but also for their daily commuting, errands, sports events, and cultural exploration.

This creative approach fosters familiarity and comfort – inspiring individuals to choose public transportation as their preferred mode of transport.

Getting to Green kicked-off on Saturday, June 10, 2023 with an exciting public launch event at the North corner of 4th & Oregon Streets featuring the much-anticipated unveiling of the captivating “Route 7 bus wrap” artwork.

The wrapped bus will be out on the route for 8 weeks – alerting riders about green space destinations.

“We know that having access to green spaces can help with a person’s overall well-being,” said SEPTA General Manager/CEO Leslie S. Richards. SEPTA is proud to partner with Mural Arts in helping people travel to areas where they can enjoy our parks and natural landscapes.”

Starting in July – riders can also look out for posters in bus shelters and printed materials that offer an additional visual guide to navigate and discover new pathways to Philadelphia’s green treasures.

Lead artist Shira Walinksy shares her passion, “The City of Philadelphia has a vast system of parks and SEPTA provides accessible and sustainable transit to take us to them. At the heart of this project is the ecosystem of parks, transit and people and using art to make those connections visible!”

About Mural Arts Philadelphia

Mural Arts Philadelphia is the nation’s largest public art program – dedicated to the belief that art ignites change. For over 35 years – Mural Arts have united artists and communities through a collaborative and equitable process – creating over 4,000 artworks that have transformed public spaces and individual lives. Mural Arts aims to empower people, stimulate dialogue, and build bridges to mutual understanding through projects that attract artists from Philadelphia and around the world and programs that focus on youth education, restorative justice, mental health and wellness, and public arts preservation. Popular mural tours offer a firsthand glimpse into the inspiring stories behind Mural Arts’ iconic and unparalleled collection – earning Philadelphia worldwide recognition as the “Mural Capital of the World.”