Ambler Station


The Ambler Station Area Concept (SAC) is centered on SEPTA’s properties and how future development can align with Ambler Borough’s plans for the station area and advance SEPTA’s Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) goals. The SAC illustrates the sites’ possibilities and limitations, as well as the conceptual development strategy. The SAC will be the basis for Requests for Information (RFIs) and Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for TOC joint development.

In June 2024, the SEPTA Board authorized staff to prepare and release a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) seeking a development partner. The RFP will seek information on the interested firms, key personnel, development schedules, financial resources, proposed development scenario, community benefits, and other information necessary to identify the correct development partner and negotiate terms.


  • Station Concept Development: 2023-Early 2024
  • Developer Solicitation & Selection: Fall 2024-Winter 2025
  • Project Refinement: 2025-2026
  • Permitting & Construction: TBD


Ambler’s vision for the SEPTA Regional Rail station area encourages the redevelopment of formerly industrial sites into communities where people can live, work, and enjoy Ambler’s downtown while maintaining the distinctive character that makes Ambler so attractive. Redeveloping SEPTA’s surface parking lot fills a hole in lively Downtown Ambler. New mixed-use development can strengthen downtown Ambler in multiple ways.

  • New housing and commercial adds activity, supporting the existing businesses and drawing more
  • Stormwater management and new opportunities for public open space
  • Shared parking for commuters, residents, and businesses
  • Improved circulation
  • Reserved space for SEPTA maintenance, operations, and commuter parking

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Building a Lifestyle Transit Network

As part of our 12-year capital investment program, we’re making stations accessible, acquiring new vehicles, investing in communications, and upgrading services for our buses, Metro, and rail to deliver on our vision of easy to use, frequent, and integrated transit.

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