CCT Connect Policies

As of July 1, 2024, CCT Connect officially rebranded to SEPTA Access. Vehicles will still be branded as CCT Connect until further notice. 

The reservation window is one hour on either side of the requested time. If you request a trip at noon, CCT may offer a slot as early as 11 am or as late as 1 pm.

Customers are responsible for promptly notifying SEPTA when:

  • A vehicle is late or does not arrive
  • They wish to cancel their ride
  • Their Standing Order ride must be cancelled or put on hold

Customers are responsible for keeping track of any No-Shows and Late Cancellations they have each month.

See the complete policy (PDF) for details about penalties, suspension, notifications, and the appeals process.

Standing Orders, or subscription service, are pre-scheduled trips to or from the same location on the same days and times each week.

See the complete policy (PDF) for procedures related to changes, suspension, or terminations of Standing Orders.

  • To ensure your safety, drivers cannot transport passengers without identification. Passengers who do not present a CCT ID card or other form of identification may be denied transportation.
  • Pay the exact fare when you board. Drivers do not make change.
  • Failure to pay your fare will result in immediate suspension until you pay past due fare. You may be subject to a fine.

Registered general public riders must show ID and pay full fare for transportation. Customers with no fare are not transported.

Drivers have strict guidelines as to what they can and cannot do. For instance, they are prohibited from entering premises to assist a rider. Drivers also cannot assist on broken sidewalks, stairs, porches, or if snow or ice has not been cleared.

Drivers can:

  • Assist ambulatory customers to and from the door of the pick-up location, on and off the vehicle, and to the destination entry.
  • Assist customers in manual wheelchairs up/down one step or curb, or on a ramp, provided the weight of the occupied chair does not exceed the driver’s ability to safely maneuver it. For safety, ramps must meet the Philadelphia Department of Licenses & Inspections specifications, or the specifications of your municipal code enforcement agency if you live outside of Philadelphia.
  • Provide “arm assistance” to customers who can safely walk up/down multiple steps.
  • Carry a customer’s unoccupied manual wheelchair up/down steps.
  • Assist riders in powered wheelchairs or scooters from the curb onto the vehicle’s lift, and onto the vehicle to be secured.
  • Provide assistance with fastening seatbelts. Pennsylvania State law requires all riders to wear a seatbelt.
  • Help secure an approved child restraint or booster seat if you are traveling with a child under 8 years old.

Drivers can never carry you, lift you out of your seat, or move your limbs for you. If you require more assistance, you must bring your Personal Care Attendant or a guest.

Federal regulations define a direct threat as “posing a significant risk to others.” Behaviors prohibited by SEPTA’s policy include:

  • Destruction of public property (the vehicle, and/or its furnishings; SEPTA facilities).
  • Being violent to others or yourself.
  • Engaging in behavior that is overly unruly or disruptive, threatening, or frightening to others.
  • Engaging in behavior that interferes with the safe operation of the vehicle.
  • Violating SEPTA’s service animal policy by failing to control one’s service animal.
  • Violating SEPTA’s operating rules governing the provision of transportation systemwide.
  • Engaging in illegal conduct.
  • Other conduct judged by SEPTA to represent an actual or potential threat to the health, safety, or well-being of yourself, the operator, other passengers, and/or SEPTA personnel.

See the complete policy (PDF) for details about penalties, suspension, notifications, and the appeals process.

CCT customers and applicants have the right to an administrative appeal if they disagree with an eligibility determination or service suspension for no-shows, cancellations, or conduct.

You may appeal in writing or in person and you may be represented by an attorney or advocate. If you want to file an appeal, you must submit the Notice of Appeal form.

See the complete policy (PDF) for types of appeals, the appeals process and a copy of the Notice of Appeal form.