
Committees and Councils

SEPTA’s Advisory Committee for Accessible Transportation (SAC) is an independent, citizen-run, community advisory committee of customers with disabilities and disability advocates representing individual riders and about 50 different disability service organizations throughout the five-county SEPTA service area. The SAC sets its own agenda and policies. Founded in 1973, SAC is the oldest such organization in North America.

The SAC advocates with SEPTA on accessibility issues and policies. We are an effective voice with SEPTA management and SEPTA operations. Each month, SEPTA reports service information to SAC and solicits advice and information from it on current and future services, facilities and equipment for regular fixed-route and ADA paratransit transportation.

SAC Areas of Interest

Equipment Accessibility

  • Helping with new vehicle selection
  • Field testing
  • Advising on vehicle/car features, securements, etc.
  • Vehicle practice sessions

Facilities Accessibility

  • Key Stations and post-Key Stations
  • Capital projects
  • Station features/maintenance

Service Accessibility

  • Driver/operator training
  • Service and capital planning
  • Consumer education
  • Emergency planning
  • ADA paratransit service
  • Regular fixed-route service
  • Travel instruction
  • website; service information
  • Service animals, service animals in training
  • Task forces for specific service needs
  • Annual Awards Ceremony recognizing exceptional assistance to people with disabilities

Executive Committee


See the schedule of posted meetings.

Meetings are public. General membership meetings are 12:30 – 1:30 pm the second Thursday of the month in March, June, September and November. A SAC Service Committee session to address service issues follows at 1:30 – 2:30 pm.

There is a Service Award ceremony at 5 pm the second Thursday of each May.

Meetings are in Conference Room 11C on the 11th floor of SEPTA Headquarters, 1234 Market Street.

You will need a visitor’s pass to get to the conference room. Be sure to allow time before the meeting to stop at the lobby security desk with your photo ID to get a pass.

Subcommittee Meetings

Service Subcommittee The Service Committee of the Advisory Committee for Accessible Transportation addresses issues related to SEPTA service. These meetings are also in Room 11C.

Attendee Accommodations

For an ASL interpreter or other accommodation, submit a request five business days before the meeting date. Please specify the type of accommodation needed, the meeting date and time and your contact information. Email your request to or make a request by phone to SEPTA Customer Service at 215-580-7800.

The Citizen Advisory Committee, established in 1967, acts as an independent representative and advocate on behalf of current and potential customers of public transportation in the five-county region of Southeastern Pennsylvania and the contiguous areas served by SEPTA. CAC members are active SEPTA riders. Members provide input on initiatives that impact the customer experience, including Better Bus, Reimagining the Regional Rail, SEPTA Metro and Key 2.0. At this time there are limited open seats in Bucks and Delaware counties. To learn more and to submit an application, click on “How to Join.”

The by-laws establish the committee’s concerns as:

  • Quality of service, including reliability and frequency, speed, cleanliness, safety and security
  • Fares
  • Policies
  • Financing and planning
  • Accountability of SEPTA and other governmental agencies that affect public transportation for the regions served by SEPTA

The CAC is composed of an executive committee and two subcommittees:

  1. The Transit Subcommittee, which focuses on buses, trolleys and subway/elevated services.
  2. The Rail Subcommittee, which focuses on Regional Rail service.

The committees convene at the monthly plenary meeting to discuss committee plans, findings, activities, etc., and to hear from SEPTA officials, who often attend to discuss transportation topics and initiatives that may affect transit customers.

CAC members are expected to attend all plenary meetings and one subcommittee meeting of their choosing each month.

Additional details on each member are listed in their bios.

Executive Committee

Chairperson: Jeff Friedman, Philadelphia County
Regional Rail Vice Chairperson: Teresa Duncan, Philadelphia County
Transit Vice Chairperson: Michael Schwebel, Philadelphia County
Secretary: Michael Thompson, Montgomery County

Bucks County

  • Patrick Garraud, first term
  • Vacant (1)

Chester County

  • Richelle Foreman Gunter, first term
  • Roberta Cosentino, first term

Delaware County

  • Alfred Achtert, second term
  • Joi Dariel Washington, first term
  • Sean Black, first term
  • Vacant (1)

Montgomery County

  • Kelly Devine, first term
  • Michael Thompson, first term
  • Vacant (2)

Philadelphia County

  • Anthony Joseph Mariani, first term
  • Caroll Drazen, second term
  • Erin Busbee, third term
  • Eugene Hsue, third term
  • Jeff Friedman, first term
  • Kadafi El-Kardah, third term
  • Latoya Miller, first term
  • Lauren Cousineau, first term
  • Jeff Maki, first term
  • Michael Schwebel, first term
  • Robert Jackel, first term
  • Sarah Boden, first term
  • Sasha Mendez, second term
  • Shawn Ralston, first term
  • Teresa Duncan, third term
  • William Paz De Malo, first term
  • Zackary Howe, first term
  • Vacant (1)


  • John Bartle, Bucks County
  • Mason Carter, Philadelphia County
  • Norman Marcus, Montgomery County
  • Paul J. Drucker, Chester County
  • Tariem Burroughs, Philadelphia County

Applications are being accepted for Bucks and Delaware counties.

To apply for membership, read the by-laws and review the eligibility and responsibility information. Fill out and submit an application online (see form below) or download the Membership Application (PDF), fill it out and mail it to:

SEPTA Customer Service and Advocacy
1234 Market Streets, 10th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107

View the by-laws and/or PDF application form.


To be eligible for membership, a person must be a resident of the county from which appointment is made and a regular user of the SEPTA system (used daily for commuting to work, school or other ongoing types of daily trips, or if not daily, a frequent rider).

Other eligibility requirements include:

  • Commitment to collaborative engagement to improve public transit service in the Region. Selection is based upon other criteria, including (but not limited to) familiarity with public sector finance, business finance, transportation operations, regulatory governance, community volunteerism and demonstrated commitment to serve the public interest.
  • Individuals being considered for appointment by the City of Philadelphia should have demonstrated participation in community volunteer efforts and cannot have any outstanding taxes due.


  • A working knowledge of the Philadelphia metropolitan area.
  • Active interest in public transportation.
  • Commitment to not less than 10 hours per month devoted to the duties of the position, which include (at minimum), attendance at the monthly plenary meeting, attendance at a monthly committee meeting, attendance at county caucus meetings, the review of SEPTA materials (as assigned) and self-directed interaction with members of the constituent groups within the county of appointment
  • Advocacy for SEPTA and making efforts to participate in local discussions related to how public transit is perceived and the quality of transit services in the local communities where it operates.

Duties and Responsibilities

Members will:

  • Work with CAC leadership on special projects selected in consultation with the SEPTA General Manager.
  • Read and understand the bylaws of the CAC.
  • Members are encouraged to regularly (at least every two weeks) report to SEPTA via its customer service office (telephone, email, live Chat) phone number any observations, positive or negative, where managerial action is needed to improve operations or customer service.
  • Consult with the CAC Chair before independently discussing with the media, or using various social media forums, on matters related to SEPTA planning or operations.
  • Participate in one of two standing committees -Rail Road and Transit Subcommittees and at least one ad hoc committee, Nominations, Media/Public Relations or Transit Appreciation Day.
  • Attend or host, in conjunction with SEPTA Government and Public Affairs Department, local community meetings to discuss issues related to transit and their community. Members are encouraged to identify neighborhood transit advocates and leaders interested in learning more about SEPTA service, operations and capital improvements.

Term Limits

  • Membership is limited to three consecutive terms of two years per term.
  • SEPTA requires a two-year period to elapse, from the expiration date of a third consecutive term before consideration may be given for reappointment.


See the schedule of posted meetings.

The CAC meets virtually. Plenary meetings start at 5:30 pm the last Tuesday of the month unless the date coincides with a SEPTA holiday schedule, in which case a special date will be set. The board does not meet in August.

The plenary meetings are open to the public. If you are interested in attending, send your name, affiliation and email address to A meeting link will be provided no later than noon on the day of the meeting.

Subcommittee Meetings

Regional Rail Subcommittee The Citizen Advisory Committee’s Regional Rail Subcommittee focuses on regional rail service. These meetings are also virtual.

Transit Subcommittee The Citizen Advisory Committee’s Transit Subcommittee focuses on buses, trolleys and subway/elevated services. These meetings are also virtual.


Phone: 215-580-7800

PSRPAC is an independent, citizen-run, community advisory committee representing riders in Philadelphia ages 65 and older. This is an avenue through which senior citizens, agency representatives and advocates can obtain information, voice their concerns, and make suggestions to enhance paratransit and fixed-route SEPTA service in Philadelphia County for themselves and others.

The committee partners with other groups, including the Mayor’s Commission on Aging, the Mayor’s Commission on People with Disabilities and the SEPTA Advisory Committee for Accessible Transportation (SAC), to advocate on behalf of seniors and individuals with disabilities.

PSRPAC sets its own agenda and policies. At each meeting, SEPTA provide reports to PSRPAC about service information, follows up on members’ questions and concerns and provides updates on developments and changes of interest to the senior community in Philadelphia.


See the schedule of posted meetings.

Meetings are public and are usually from 11 am-12:30 pm the fourth Tuesday of the month except in August and December.

Email a request to for information on how to connect virtually.

Attendee Accommodations

For an ASL interpreter or other accommodation, submit a request five business days before the meeting date. Please specify the type of accommodation needed, the meeting date and time, and your contact information. Email your request to or make a request by phone to SEPTA Customer Service at 215-580-7800.


Contact: Alberetta Shepard

Made up of young riders from Philadelphia, Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware, and Chester counties, the Youth Advisory Council is SEPTA’s primary outreach group to riders ages 14 to 22. The Youth Advisory Council advocates student needs to SEPTA leadership, assists SEPTA in creating promotions, provides outreach to the region’s youth and educates peers about services and special events.

The Youth Advisory Council (YAC) was first convened in September 2009 after a competitive application process that drew interest from college and high school students across the Delaware Valley. The youth serving on the YAC represent Philadelphia and suburban youth from a variety of universities and high schools.

Membership is open to those between 18 and 25 years of age who reside or attend school in Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, or Montgomery counties.


See the schedule of posted meetings.

Plenary meetings typically occur during the third week of a month in the evening. Dates and times are subject to change. Visit the YAC welcome page for meeting information.

Membership information, bylaws and documents, committee initiatives and more are available on the YAC website.

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