Blossom at Bartram

blossom at bartram event


The Blossom at Bartram Complete Streets project is a partnership between SEPTA and Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC). The project will advance Trolley Modernization, improve safety, mobility options, quality of life, and access to economic opportunity through roadway improvements along several streets in Kingsessing, Southwest Philadelphia.


  • RAISE Grant Awarded: 2023
  • Design: 2024-2026
  • Construction: 2027-2029
  • Completion: 2029


Throughout the project’s extensive community engagement, residents and property owners supported dramatic change to make this corridor safer, greener, more welcoming, and accessible. The project corridor, which is on the City of Philadelphia’s High Injury Network, suffers from speeding, driver confusion, and unsafe trolley stops. The corridor is a barrier to Bartram’s Garden, Bartram’s Village – a large affordable housing site, the Schuylkill River Trail, SEPTA’s new trolley facility, and PIDC’s redevelopment sites. The Blossom at Bartram Complete Streets project turns these barriers into gateways by redesigning roadways to include:

  • Accessible Trolley Stations
  • Clearer, Standardized Travel Lanes
  • Simplified Intersections
  • New Sidewalks
  • Two-way Raised, Separated Bike Lanes

You can view the final report here.

What to Expect

grays avenue alternate
 Existing Conditions at 49th Street and Grays Avenue 2113 Grays Avenue_Perspective Rendering_49th and Grays
51st and Grays looking south down Grays Avenue towards the new SEPTA Trolley facility future 51st and Grays looking south down Grays Avenue towards the new SEPTA trolley facility
56th and Lindbergh looking south with Bartram's village to the left future 56th and lindbergh looking south with Bartram's village to the left

Past Events

Building a Lifestyle Transit Network

As part of our 12-year capital investment program, we’re making stations accessible, acquiring new vehicles, investing in communications, and upgrading services for our buses, Metro, and rail to deliver on our vision of easy to use, frequent, and integrated transit.

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