Conshohocken Station

Satellite view of Conshohocken Station


In 2022, SEPTA acquired 6.5 acres of land along the Schuylkill River at 101 Washington Street in Conshohocken Borough as part of the construction of ADA improvements at the adjacent Conshohocken Regional Rail Station. It was anticipated that the site would be used to construct a 548-parking space garage for SEPTA ridership.

In October 2023, SEPTA released a Request for Information (“RFI”) to determine whether there was sufficient interest from stakeholders to pursue the potential development of a garage with SEPTA customer parking and a private Transit-Oriented Development (“TOD”) at the site. The responses to the RFI indicated that there is interest pursuing the project to include the TOD.

In March 2024, the SEPTA Board authorized staff to prepare and release a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) seeking a development partner for the garage and private TOD at the site. The RFP provides information on the interested firms, key personnel, development schedules, financial resources and other information necessary to identify the correct development partner and negotiate terms.


Building a Lifestyle Transit Network

As part of our 12-year capital investment program, we’re making stations accessible, acquiring new vehicles, investing in communications and upgrading services for our buses, Metro and rail to deliver on our vision of easy to use, frequent and integrated transit.

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