As of July 1, 2024, CCT Connect officially rebranded to SEPTA Access. Vehicles will still be branded as CCT Connect until further notice.
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), SEPTA provides service for people with disabilities who are functionally unable to use regular accessible fixed-route bus service for some or all their transportation needs.

The ADA program service mirrors travel on the regular fixed-route bus and trolley systems. Eligible individuals use paratransit to go anywhere SEPTA buses run. There are no restrictions on trip purpose or frequency of travel.
For Philadelphia residents, ADA service runs 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.
For Philadelphia’s suburb counties, eligible residents may be picked up and dropped off within three quarters of a mile of any fixed route. ADA service runs during each bus’s operating hours. If a bus operates 24/7, then CCT Connect service operates 24/7. If there is no evening or Sunday bus service, there is no evening or Sunday CCT service. Changes to bus routes may change the service area.
ADA Paratransit Registration
To begin ADA Paratransit Service registration, call CCT Connect Customer Service. You must be pre-screened by a customer service representative. The representative will mail you an application or you can print an application (PDF).
Once you return your completed application, a representative will schedule your functional assessment.
The assessment evaluates your physical or cognitive functional abilities. There is also an interview about your disability. Licensed professionals administer the tests. The assessment should take no more than an hour, and CCT will provide free transportation to and from the assessment site.
Within 21 days of CCT receiving your application, you will receive an eligibility determination. If you are eligible, you will receive a new ID card.
Eligibility Appeals
Riders must meet the established criteria to register for CCT programs.
Applicants have the right to an administrative appeal if they do not agree with an eligibility determination. For details, see the CCT Policies.
Registered paratransit customers pay $4.25 for a one-way trip within the service region. An additional $0.75 charge may apply if the trip is more than three miles into an adjacent county or if the trip is more than 10 miles. Not more than $5 total will be charged.
A registrant can pay using cash, travel wallet, or a Zone 2 or higher TrailPass. Find more information on CCT Fares.
CCT Connect Customer Service hours are 8 am – 5 pm Mondays – Fridays.
- Customer Service: 215-580-7145
- TDD/TTY: 215-580-7712
ADA Paratransit Brochures
ADA Paratransit Service, English (PDF)
ADA Paratransit Service Large Print, English (DOCX)
ADA Paratransit Service, Español (PDF)
ADA Paratransit Service Large Print, Español (DOCX)
ADA Paratransit Application
ADA Paratransit Service Application, English (PDF)
ADA Paratransit Service Application, English (DOCX)
ADA Paratransit Service Vision Disability Application, English (PDF)