Letters, Colors, and Symbols

To communicate clearly, we’ve developed a new, accessible vocabulary – letters, numbers, colors, and symbols – that can be understood no matter who you are or what language you speak.

Letters & Numbers

We know it’s always going to be the «Broad Street Line,» just like we say «Schuylkill Expressway» even though all the road signs say «I-76». That’s fine with us. The point is to create signage that is easy to follow no matter who you are, what language you speak, or how well you know SEPTA. Using letters, numbers, and colors is about as easy as it gets.

We’re introducing letters for these lines, and numbers to refer to their services. For example, the Broad Street Line [B] is the B, while the local train is the B1.


We’re not changing what’s already working: we’re sticking with blue for the Market-Frankford Line [L], orange for the Broad Street Line [B], and green for the trolleys that run under Market Street. However, other trolleys – the Route 15 and the Media-Sharon Hill Lines [D] – will each receive a new unique color to avoid confusion.

Symbol Set

We’ve also developed a new set of related symbols to make messages easy to read at a glance, and to help non-native English speakers find their way.

Market-Frankford Line [L]

brighter blue

Broad Street Line [B]

no change

Subway-Surface Tunnels

brighter green

Route 15 Trolley

new color

Media-Sharon Hill Line [D]

new color

Norristown High Speed Line [M]

clearer purple

Example of signage showing: * Arrows and symbols are always on a black background for the highest contrast * Service information is on a color background * Signs show the service, direction, and terminal station

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