Philadelphia Shared-Ride Program Advisory Council

PSRPAC is an independent, citizen-run, community advisory committee representing riders in Philadelphia ages 65 and older. This is an avenue through which senior citizens, agency representatives, and advocates can obtain information, voice their concerns, and make suggestions to enhance paratransit and fixed-route SEPTA service in Philadelphia County for themselves and others.

The committee partners with other groups, including the Mayor’s Commission on Aging, the Mayor’s Commission on People with Disabilities, and the SEPTA Advisory Committee for Accessible Transportation (SAC), to advocate on behalf of seniors and individuals with disabilities.

PSRPAC sets its own agenda and policies. At each meeting, SEPTA provide reports to PSRPAC about service information, follows up on members’ questions and concerns, and provides updates on developments and changes of interest to the senior community in Philadelphia.


Contacto: Alberetta Shepard
Correo electrónico:


See the schedule of posted meetings.

Meetings are public and are usually from 11 am to 12:30 pm the fourth Tuesday of the month except in August and December.

Due to COVID safe precautions, the in-person meetings at SEPTA Headquarters have been switched to an online video and/or telephone format. In-person meeting safety will be assessed sometime in the future. Email a request to for information on how to connect.

Attendee Accommodations

For an ASL interpreter or other accommodation, submit a request five business days before the meeting date. Please specify the type of accommodation needed, the meeting date and time, and your contact information. Email your request to or make a request by phone to SEPTA Customer Service at (215) 580-7800.