The Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) is comprised of active SEPTA riders who act as an independent representative and advocate on behalf of current and potential public transit customers. Members provide input on initiatives that impact the customer experience including projects like the Better Bus network, Reimagining Regional Rail, and Key 2.0.
A number of CAC members will complete their terms this fall, creating thirteen (13) vacancies. Those who are excited about improving transit and reside in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties are welcome to apply for these vacancies.
This is a unique volunteer opportunity. CAC members have the ability to make an impact on the SEPTA System and to represent the interests and goals of their local communities.
To submit an application or to read more information about the CAC, including its list of by-laws, visit the Partners Section of SEPTA’s website. To access the application, click the “Citizen Advisory Committee” heading, and then “How to Join.” This will load a fillable form that can be submitted directly to SEPTA.
Alternatively, the application can be downloaded as a PDF and then printed and mailed. After completion, send it to:
SEPTA Customer Service and Advocacy
1234 Market Street, 10th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
The form must be received by SEPTA by Monday, September 16, 2024 for consideration.
Any questions about the Committee should be directed to